Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Day 28 - Travelling

Hi guys,

Today will be no drawing. There is one thing I didn't give a thought. How would I draw during travel? I think I prepared solution but don't have time to try it out right now.

So I hope tomorrow I will do some digital drawing, if not you will be getting photos of my pen&paper sketches. :)

Till than!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Day 27 - Wooden mailbox WIP 1

Hi guys,

Here is the reference that I'm using to draw mailbox.

I've found it through google images.

And here is what I've got after 20-30min drawing.

Not much really. I tried to draw the mailbox it differently. I think the perspective is really messed up. May be I will redraw everything tomorrow.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Day 26 - Home sweet home

He guys,

I've changed the schedule of my drawing sessions and forget to post the pic.
So from now on I will draft the post and save it for later right after finishing the drawing.
What else. I've lost the count of chapters and I'm on the chapter twelve right now. The bonus challenge of this chapter is to draw a wooden mail-box. I think I will find the photo for reference and try to render wooden texture this time.


Sunday, April 5, 2015

Day 25 - Holes bonus drawing lesson 10

Here is what I've got after drawing fourteen weird looking ellipsis.

I decided to go very rough and sketchy to quickly try different forms. They are not so different though. Some of them even don't look like holes.

Lesson 11 awaits. I haven't peeked so I honestly don't know what's inside. But I really hope there is something exciting :o)

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Day 24 - Shading on cylinders completed

Just finished the shading.

Tried to fill the shading differently. It was pretty boring as I don't fill like I'm getting better at this.
Tomorrow will continue with the bonus challenge from the chapter.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Day 23 - More cylinders to draw

I was so tired today and couldn't finish the shading.

The drawing will be finished tomorrow. Nothing much to tell here.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Day 22 - Three cylinders form life

So here it is. Spent almost one hour to draw three ellipsis. How pathetic it is?

I skipped almost all details.
And I'm still not sure that I got the proportions right.
So tomorrow I will start new lesson, but I think I need to return to this eventually.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Day 21 - Three cylinders to draw

Hello, hello!
Sleeping deprivation for the win!
Actually I decided to keep it short today, only 30 minutes for drawing today.
I've started lesson 10 of the book.

Something like this came out, wasn't very to draw, only hard thing to draw are these ellipsis.
So I will add them to my daily warm-up drawing routine. And I feel like two constructions dots for ellipse building are not enough to draw perfect ellipse. So may be I would draw more for the training at first. Hope it makes sense.

Anyway tomorrow there will be more drawing from life. I will find something cylindrical to draw.