Saturday, March 21, 2015

Day 10 - Drawing weird stacking tables composition

Hi guys,

Crazy day. I almost convinced myself that I don't feel like drawing today. Can you believe this?
My procrastination strikes back. :) The brain started mind games so I had to remind myself that I don't have the luxury to use this excuse if I want ever to achieve anything.

So here is the result of today's drawing session it took almost one hour again. I don't know if its a bad or a good thing that it took so long. The only thing that worries me will I be able to draw something like this from my mind? Should I try to do this on my own? The book doesn't say anything about improvisation yet, but I think it can't hurt?

Tomorrow I will draw another example from the book. And after tomorrow I will think about the improvisation.

Another thought to consider - how else will my subconscious try to trick me into procrastinating?
I will find it out tomorrow. So do you.
Till then.

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